Rachel Galvin shoots promo video blogs for “Absolution”

Mary Jane Carson In an attempt to raise excitement about the upcoming filming of the highly anticipated Sci-Fi webseries “Absolution,” Rachel Galvin created a series of video blogs Oct. 16, which will be aired weekly starting soon on the Absolution website and other venues. Galvin plays Mary Jane Carson, the president of the Scott Dru Fan Club and creator of video blogs done in his honor, as well as his Facebook page, entitled Scott Dru Fans Unite (The site will be launched soon). Carson is not just any fan. This No. 1 fan plans to be Dru’s number one … at all costs.

Check out Absolution’s fan page: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150412325161648.418225.504906647&type=3#!/SWAbsolution.

Rachel Galvin featured in music video

Rachel Galvin and Andrew Brown on set of music video

Rachel Galvin and Andrew Brown on set of music video

Rachel Galvin was featured in a music video directed by Troy Bernier of Ginnungagap Filmwerks. The singer is Scott Opiela and the song is “Time to Go, The Sacrifice.” Shooting took place on Aug. 14. The setting was a distant planet. Galvin played an astronaut who must run for her life. NASA may be shut down, but the dreams of planetary travel live on. The outfits may not be as elaborate as a Lady Gaga video, but they were custom-made.

The song is part of the soundtrack for a fun sci-fi romp called “Planeta Desconocido,” a film guaranteed to be unlike anything you’ve seen before. Featuring green screen shots, Tron-esque graphics and a futuristic landscape, the film is a bit like a video game with a game of cat and mouse between good and evil with tragic results.